School Of Adventure

Season 1

Gravitate Coworking
500 Locust Street

We're excited to be launching the Dealt Hand School of Adventure! Our first season is aiming at the biggest pain point we've heard from folks - regular games for kids between the ages of 10 and 15. Our first season for the School of Adventure is designed to teach kids how to play D&D and also give them the full campaign experience - 8 weeks of 2 hour sessions, with tables maxed out at 5 players and a dedicated GM at each table. Priced at $150 for the season, we're able to pay our GM's well, provide materials for kids and GM's to run a great game, plus graduates of the school get a unique shirt to brag with too! We're also running our Helping Hand Fund for these events - so if you have a kid who can't afford the whole price, reach out and we'll do our best to cover what we can!

We're hoping to have this grow into a lot of different things, but for now, if you have a 10-15 year old who wants to play, the link below is to this program which starts IN 2 WEEKS! That's right - games start on September 23rd, so you don't have to wait long. We have a limited number of seats this season, so don't sit on this!

What if you aren't ages 10-15? What are we doing for you? Well - that's what Season 2 is for! Help us figure out the best content possible by taking this quick 6 question survey, and we'll be sure to let you know as we firm up our Season 2 plans!